Clinical sociology: general presentation
The specificity of clinical sociology is linked to its way of approaching social and institutional phenomena, in a dimension that is both theoretical (part of a comprehensive tradition and articulating both the understanding of the society and the subject, taking into account its psycho-analytical foundations) and political (which stresses the need for a clinical approach of the social dimension that goes beyond its critic).
At the core of the clinical sociological approach are the contradictions between objectivity and subjectivity, between structures and actors, between the weight of determinism and the ability of the individuals to make history, between rationality and irrationality. Beyond the social actor, clinical sociology is interested in the subject, including in its affective and existential dimensions.
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Publicação: Da horda ao Estado: psicanálise do vínculo social | Eugène Enriquez (2ª ed.)
Publicação: Capitalismo paradoxante: um sistema adoecedor
Publicação: Diálogos com Eugène Enriquez
Nova coleção de sociologia clínica, em português
Parution: “William ou le sens de la peine: récit d’un mineur d’âge sur l’impact de la mesure de dessaisissement”
Parution: “Gaetano. Histoire d’un immigré dans un village savoyard”
CONGRÈS AISLF du 8 au 12 juillet 2024 – Ottawa (Canada)
Parution: “Démarches artistiques dans la recherche et la formation. Approche clinique”
Cómo la racionalización del trabajo ha provocado ‘un sufrimiento estétito laboral’
Assemblée Générale du RISC: lundi 17 juin 2024, en visioconférence