Announcement from ISA CR46: Seeking Interest in Special Issue on Clinical and Applied Sociology

Seeking Interest in Special Issue on Clinical and Applied Sociology

Dear colleagues, co-conspirators, and fellow clinical and applied sociologists,

We hope you are well and safe. In view of the outstanding work that is done in Applied and Clinical Sociology despite the challenges of the pandemic, we invite you to contribute to a special volume entitled “Clinical and Applied Interventions: Sociological Perspectives,” to be submitted for publication in the peer reviewed journal Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia in the second half of 2021, in partnership with a network of Clinical Sociology researchers from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. We intend to inclusively publish articles in English as well Portuguese. Please consider to be part of this exciting endeavor!

If you are interested, please indicate your interest until April 24th to with a one paragraph short bio (3-5 lines) including your affiliation, contact details, research areas, and ORCID ID. We welcome tentative manuscript titles but they are not required, as we are in proposal stage.
We look forward to your submission and are available for any questions about our project.


Professors Flávia Alessandra de Souza (State University of Santa Cruz – UESC, Ilhéus, Bahia, Brazil), Mariam Seedt-Kam (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), and Daniela Jauk (University of Akron, OH).
See bios of editors here.

ISA RC 46: Clinical Sociology ISA RC 46: Clinical Sociology