RC46: Call for Sessions, ISA Forum 2025, Rabat, Morocco

Research Committee on Clinical Sociology (RC46) 

Call for Sessions, ISA Forum 2025, Rabat, Morocco


This is a reminder from the Research Committee on Clinical Sociology (RC46) about the Call for Session Proposals for the 5th ISA Forum in Rabat, Morocco, taking place from 6-11 July 2025. The RC46 forum programme will be organised by the 2025 Forum Programme Committee, which includes the Programme Coordinators: Mariam Seedat Khan (University of Kwazulu-Natal – seedatm@ukzn.ac.za), Tina Uys (University of Johannesburg – tuys@uj.ac.za), and Johanna Zulueta, RC46 Secretary/Treasurer. Please note that the conference will be held exclusively in-person, with no hybrid or online sessions available.


RC46 will host 24 sessions at this Forum. Members are warmly invited to submit proposals on any theme related to clinical sociology. While an open call for papers will follow for inclusion in accepted sessions, session proposers are strongly encouraged to identify 3-4 core speakers who are committed to attending the Forum.


RC46 members are also encouraged to co-propose joint sessions with colleagues from other ISA research committees. If you wish to participate in an author-meets-critics session, please contact the Programme Coordinators directly.


A proposal for a session should include an abstract of approximately 250 words. Sessions may be submitted and conducted in French, Spanish, and/or English. Proposals should be uploaded to the ISA Confex website using the link below.




The call for session proposals closes on 1 July 2024 24:00 GMT. To be considered, all proposals must be uploaded to the system before this deadline. No late submissions will be considered. The 2025 Forum Programme Committee will construct the programme based on the proposals received. Once the topics for the substantive sessions have been selected, a call for papers and roundtable presentations will be issued via the RC46 and ISA websites.


Please note that preference will be given to proposals submitted by RC46 members, who will also have priority on RC46 panels. If you are not already a member, please consider joining as part of the submission process.


Joining/renewing your membership is straightforward: please follow these two instructions:

1.         Go to https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/membership/individual-membership

to join the ISA. There are different categories of membership based on your country (e.g., Category A for high income, Category B for upper middle income, Category B for low/lower middle-income country), as well as different categories for students. Joining/renewing gives you full financial membership for four years.

2.         Once you have signed up, you must also sign up and pay an additional (relatively small) amount to join the RC46 Research Committee on Clinical Sociology. This is an essential step, without which we cannot maximise our membership numbers as an RC. Information about membership fees for RC46 is available here: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/research-networks/research-committees/rc46-clinical-sociology/

In addition, you can find the full list of ISA membership benefits here: https://www.isa-sociology.org/en/membership/individual-membership/benefits

Timeline for key ISA Forum deadlines:

May 5 – 1 July 2024 24:00 GMT Call for Sessions: RC session proposers must submit the session’s description online via the Confex platform

July 02 – July 31, 2024 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Final List of Sessions

The RC/WG/TG Program Coordinator will finalise a list of sessions.

August 05 – October 15, 2024 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Abstracts Submission

Participants and organisers of invited sessions must submit abstracts online via the Confex platform in English, French, or Spanish. Only abstracts submitted online will be considered in the selection process.

October 15 – November 10, 2024 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Abstracts Selection

November 10 – November 30, 2024 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Abstracts Relocation

December 05, 2024 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Notification Letters

December 15, 2024 – January 26, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Sessions Scheduling

Dec 15 – Jan 15: Confex schedules Joint Session, Round Table, and Poster Sessions

January 16 to 26: Program Coordinators schedule regular sessions

January 31, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Applications for Registration Grants Deadline

*Participants should submit applications for ISA grants to the Program Coordinator.

February 15, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Submission of proposed Registration Grants recipients

The Program Coordinator sends the selected recipients and amounts recommended to the ISA Secretariat at isa@isa-sociology.org for verification and approval.

March 22, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Registration Deadline for Presenters

*Registration must be paid by the deadline. Confex matches registrations with accepted presenters and will send out the last reminder to register. Presenters who have failed to register will be automatically deleted from the program.

April 3 – April 18, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Abstracts Relocation

Session Organizer modifies sessions based on the withdrawal of non-registered presenters.

Chairs and discussants are assigned from among the registered participants.

The program Coordinator completes sessions scheduled according to the conference timetable.

If the type of an individual’s presentation is changed or if a presentation is transferred to a different session, Confex will notify the authors of the final session and presentation details. May 9, 2025 – 24:00 UTC/GMT Online program published