“Repairing our World: Using Applied and Clinical Sociology to Do Good”
In October 2022 (6-8), the AACS Annual Meeting will take place in Louisville, Kentucky. If COVID allows, AACS hopes to have an in-person conference (while observing all applicable COVID protocols) as well as a virtual component. The program will consist of Regular Paper Sessions where delegates will demonstrate innovative approaches to practicing sociology. AACS is also organizing keynote addresses by experts in clinical and applied sociology, professional development workshops, student-centered sessions, poster sessions and networking opportunities for all participants.
AACS invites all applied, clinical, and engaged public sociologists, social and behavioral scientists, and professionals who use social and behavioral science in business and industry, government, and academia to submit an abstract or a proposal for a session.
=> See the full call for conference participation: https://www.aacsnet.net/call-for-conference-participation/
Deadline for submissions: June 15, 2022